TWO LAKES ふたつのみずおみ

Lake Lucerne and Lake Biwa: A Comparative Study on the Culture of Water

The publication Two Lakes is the result of a comparative study of two cultural regions – Lake Lucerne in Switzerland and Lake Biwa in Japan. Based on the results of a five-year cooperation entitled The Culture of Water (2018–2023) between the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture and the Kyoto Institute of Technology, it engages with the architecture of the future. Addressing the core themes of danger, beauty, commons and eternity – and their according relationships to water – it develops hypotheses on both regions with respect to the interdependence between people and the architecture they produce. The book is rounded off by in-depth articles, two photographic essays and archive documents. This publication is a special edition in the Laboratorium series.

Editors and publication concept: GEISSBÜHLER Dieter, KÄFERSTEIN Johannes, KIMURA Hiroyuki, KINOSHITA Masahiro, SUN BUSCHOR Mulan
Project management: SUN BUSCHOR Mulan
Text contributions: DEON Luca, GEISSBÜHLER Dieter, KÄFERSTEIN, Johannes, KIMURA Hiroyuki, KINOSHITA Masahiro, MOLO Ludovica, ROSSMAIER Lando, SEIFERT Annika, SUN BUSCHOR Mulan, THOMSEN Hans Bjarne, WETTSTEIN Felix
Photography essay: BECK Jürgen, TAKANO Tomomi
Copy editing: STEIN Ria
Redesign: BKVK, Basel – Beat Keusch, Vanessa Serrano
Graphic design: Quart Verlag Luzern
Lithos: Rica Egger, Printeria, Lucerne
Printing: DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH

© Copyright 2025
Hochschule Luzern – Technik & Architektur, Institut für Architektur /
Kyoto Institute of Technology – KYOTO Design Lab /
Quart Verlag Luzern
All rights reserved
ISBN 978-3-03761-309-2