CI Design by Bienvenue Studios

SML Architektur 喜慕建筑

SML Architektur ist ein Architekturbüro mit Sitz in Zürich. Wir sind eine neue Generation multikultureller Architektinnen, die Entwurfsprinzipen des Ostens mit denen des Westens verbinden. In unserem Schaffen kombinieren wir ostasiatische Raumkonzepte aus China, Japan und Korea mit Schweizer Präzision in der Ausführung. Unsere Stärke ist der interkulturelle Austausch mit unseren Kunden, Partnern und Handwerkern. Neben unserer Tätigkeit in unserem Architekturbüro, forschen und lehren wir. Das Wissen aus der Theorie setzen wir in innovative Lösungen vom Konzept bis zur Fertigstellung um.

An architectural and interior design firm based in Zurich in Switzerland. We represent a new generation of architects with a multicultural background spanning from East to West. SML Architektur relies on a blend of far eastern mentality and concepts from China, Japan and Korea with Swiss appreciation for precision in execution. By combining architectural education, academic research, design practice, and intercultural exchange, we are able to transfer the knowledge from theory to innovative solutions for each project from concept through to completion.


Unsere Leistungen:

Architektur und Innenausbau 建筑和室内设计
Teehaus und Teeraum Design 茶室设计
Architekturfotografie 建筑摄影
Farbberatung 色彩咨询

The Design Team:

Mulan Sun 孙慕蘭
+41 78 878 16 99

Since 2022
Tea Master and Senior Lecturer of Japanese Tea Ceremony (Urasenke Chado) 日本裏千家茶道專任講師
Tankokai Zurich

Since 2020
Project Leader and Lecturer of the collaborative project <The Culture of Water> with Hochschule Luzern (HSLU) and the Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT)
Lecturer of the Summer School Ticino
Co-editor of the book <Two Lakes ふたつのみずおみ> (will be released in 2024)

Since 2020
Foundering member of ETH Circle

Since 2020
Founding Partner and principal of SML Architektur GmbH, Zurich

Guest Professor of the international Master Design Studio at Tianjin University, China

Since 2017
Founder and President of Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Architects and Artists (SCAA), Zurich

Since 2015
Founder and principal of SML Architektur, Zurich

Assistant at Guest Professor Doreen Liu and Professors Gigon Guyer, ETH Zurich

Architect at Graber Pulver Architekten, E2A Architekten, Teo Jakob AG

Master and Bachelor of Science in Architecture, ETH Zurich

The Goethe-Certificate C2:
Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom (GDS) at University Fribourg and Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Bachelor of Architecture, Tianjin University China

Chinese, German, English


Xiang Li 李翔
+41 78 402 64 03

Since 2022
Programme and Project Developer at the Swiss Federal Office of Buildings and Logistics for the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Berne

Since 2020
Founding Partner at SML Architektur GmbH, Zurich

Office Architecture Project Manager at On Running AG, Zurich

Project Developer at Allreal Generalunternehmung AG, Zurich

Owner’s Representative and project lead at Hämmerle Partner, Zurich

Architectural Designer at Cass Calder Smith Architecture, San Franciso USA

Project Lead at Hemmi Fayet Architekten, Zurich

Project Architect at Ruprecht Architekten, Zurich

Student Assistant at Prof. Kees Christiaanse for Architecture und Urban Planning, ETH Zurich

Student Assistant at Prof. Holger Wallbaum for Sustainable Building, ETH Zurich

Internship at Marcel Meili, Markus Peter Architekten, Zurich

Master and Bachelor of Science in Architecture, ETH Zurich

German/Swiss German, Chinese, English, French



Former collaborator:
Karin Kiyoko Ohashi

Solhae Yoon

Our Partners:
Bienvenue Studios
ETH Circle
Sonja Zagermann Editorial Design Studio
Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Architects and Artists SCAA
Teehaus Liu
Zentrum Architektur Zürich ZAZ
Urasenke Tankokai Zurich Assciation

We currently do not have any openings, but creative, courageous and hard-working individuals are always welcome to apply!
Basic knowledge of the design and execution process in Switzerland as well as advanced German and English language skills are prerequisites. Chinese language ability is an advantage.
Please send your application with your CV and portfolio to